Today I designed a pillow using an old french rose label from the Graphics Fairy. To make your own, you'll need to pull your chosen graphic into a word processing program - I used "Pages" on my mac. Then, bring in a text box and pick a font you like to add whatever text suits your fancy. I have a favorite font for things like this - it's called "Jane Austen". (How can you go wrong with a name like that?) It's feminine and old fashioned looking. You can download it free here. The oval on the bottom of the graphic seemed fitting for a monogram . . . I put in ours.
So, once you have your design just the way you like it, you need to get it ready for the printer. Cut a piece of freezer paper and your fabric, to 8 1/2 x 11 inches. The freezer paper gives the fabric body so that it can go through the printer. Iron the shiny side of the freezer paper onto your fabric. It will adhere very quickly using a dry iron on the cotton setting. I used a thin cotton fabric and even with the freezer paper my printer would not recognize the fact that there was paper there, so I had to use spray adhesive to add a piece of cardstock to the freezer paper side. That gave a nice, heavy backing to the fabric and then it worked just fine. If you use something like canvas, the freezer paper will be enough.
Since you're already limited to the size of a sheet of paper due to what the average printer will accept, I think it's a good idea to enlarge the clip art to the size of a full sheet of paper in order to get the biggest pillow possible.
It printed out great - the first time I tried!
Then, just pull the freezer paper off the back of the fabric.
You'll have a piece of printed fabric ready to create whatever your little heart desires! I'm making my printed fabric into pillows for the guest room with twin beds - one for each bed. Both pillows have French script. One reads, "Good Night", and the other reads "Dream Away"! I'm going to try spraying some sample printed fabric with a fabric protector. I doubt that printer ink is washable, so you'll want to avoid getting it wet etc. Tonight I finished the one that says "Good Night" - and I'm going to take that advice and finish the other one tomorrow.
Bonne Nuit!
Linking to:

Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage
Funky Junk Interiors
These are so gorgeous! You are both extremely creative and good technically, which is a lovely combination. Thank you for inspiring me.
celeste in minnesota
So pretty! Thank you for linking up this great post at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :) Hope to see you again this Sunday!
These are beautiful !!! Well done
Stunning! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pillow.
Absolutely beautiful! Just love it and your bed linens too, where did you get them?
I'm your newest follower, so glad to find you from the Graphics Fairy party!
your pillows look great! thanks for sharing. Is wax paper the same as freezer paper? Janet
Just Gorgeous! Thank You for Sharing! Congratulations on your Feature with the Graphics Fairy!
Happy Monday!
This is great...I tried with the Citra Solv, but it didn't work because my printer doesn't use toner...I will have to give this a try, thanks for sharing.
I love this, thank you for sharing, I just became a follower of your blog, and your welcome to visit mine :) if you are interested.
what a great idea, and your pillow is gorgeous!
I've done similar work printing on fabric and my printer ink is washable. Love the pillows they are beautiful :)
I'm wondering what type of printer you used? And that print window looks like it's from a MAC? Would love to try this but afraid I might mess up the printer somehow. What's your experience been with using the same printer for both prints and craft projects like this-just wondering cause I'd really love to try this.
Your project came out beautifully : D
To WynnieBee -
In answer to your question, I use a Canon MP480 printer. It's nothing special - it actually came with the Mac when I bought it - as a little perk. I know what you mean. I was a little nervous to put fabric through my printer, but it worked so well. It didn't sound any different while printing or anything. I've printed on paper since then and it appears that all is well. I say, go for it! :) Good luck! -Nan
Thanks so much. I want to try and was afraid. I will try this. You and some of your followers answered a lot of my questions.
Thanks again, I love your pillows.
I just found your blog through Graphics Fairy and I am so glad I did.
Bonjour from France ! lol
Congratulations for your pillows, they are so beautiful !
I am glad to read french messages on them, but I am sorry to tell you that "songe bien" is very wrong and doesn't mean anything. The correct translation for "dream away" is "fais de beaux rêves".
And I am pleased to offer you another way to wish "bonne nuit" : "Dors bien".
Kiss from Mimi !
To Mimi from France . . .
Thank you so much for your expertise! Maybe I'll have to find a French friend in the future who could translate for me! I'm just happy that none of my friends speak French!!!!!!
LOL ! If you want, I could be this French friend.
I have a virtual friend in Sweden whom I translate phrases for.(sorry, I am not sure if my english is correct enough...)
I am so glad to see my beautiful language appreciated all around the web that I adore translate to help crafters.
A bientôt, peut-être...;o)
Thank you to Mimi! My new friend and translator from France!! Isn't blogging awesome!?!?!?
J'adore votre idée and I can't wait to make one! One more thing to add to my "to do" list! :)
Precioso trabajo, no sabía que se podía imprimir directamente con la mpresora.
Gracias por este post.
Desde España
I knew there was somethng like this out in internet land but I couldn't find it until today. Thank you!
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