Just a sampling of some recent drawings and watercolors from my sketchbook. This first drawing was done from a photo I took at the marina on Captiva Island yesterday. Brown Pelicans are everywhere here - sleeping, airing out, and keeping their eyes peeled for a tasty treat. Beautiful birds, they are full of personality. I love the look on his face!
Below, a sketchbook watercolor of one of the cottages here. They are so brightly painted - hot pink, lime greens, turquoise - charming little cottages, every one.
I was hoping for a view of the manatees feeding near shore today. We've seen them there before - but today, no luck. Hence, a sketchbook drawing/watercolor of another one of my favorite subjects.
And some practice of different styles below - all for the sketchbook.

And last of all, three favorite photos from the last few days.
The Brown Pelican, this one posed for my first drawing, watching my every move lest I should get too close.
Morning fog in the marina with beautiful reflections from the pier and boat.
A Great Blue Heron keeping watch over the marina as the morning fog burns off.