
Monday, April 1, 2013


(This is a day on the road for us - on our way home from Leslie Saeta's palette knife workshop on Sandbridge - so today's painting is a "recycle")

It's April 1st and the day has started out great!  I checked my email first thing this morning to find that my painting, "Purple Posies and Chartreuse", will soon be on its way to California.  

I have paintings in my Etsy shop, but this painting sold from another site where I have my paintings listed . . . Daily Paintworks.  Daily Paintworks is an exciting group to be a part of.  There are some extremely talented member artists, weekly challenges posted by the site, and lots of great art tutorials.  After joining, each member starts up a virtual gallery with tools in place to help you sell and promote your work using an auction format or prices you set yourself.  If you're interested in improving your skills and being a part of a large community of creative people, it's a great place to start.

Purple Posies and Chartreuse - 24"x36"
 And my Giveaway Winner is:
Congratulations Christina - your Spring Note Card Bundle of 8 cards will soon be on its way to your door!

So, today?

Selling a painting is great inspiration for getting out the brushes!

1 comment:

  1. Love our painting. So beautiful.
    Love the purple posies.
    Congratulations to Christina.
    Thanks for the onderful giveaway.


Thanks so much - you make my day when you leave comments! I read every one of them and try to reply to all questions and comments. Please make sure to "allow emails" in your settings so I can contact you.