
Monday, March 19, 2012


Easter is coming and it's time to think about decorating!  Jan and I worked on this in the middle of winter so I've been waiting to post it until Easter was a little closer.

If you want to get a group together to do something fun, easy, and quick - this would be it.  And this is a project that will turn out great every time.  To make the egg you'll need:

*paper mache eggs (size is up to you but I think ours are ostrich size!)
*an old book
*Matte Mod Podge 
*hemp twine
*flat white or gray paint (we used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint)
*graphics (we used the Graphics Fairy site)

Find a good old book.  Chapter titles are fun, and colored illustrations are even better.
Just tear them up into smaller pieces that will go easily over the rounded shape of the egg.
"Paint" the egg with Mod Podge, stick on the scraps and then another layer of Mod Podge.
Let them dry.
Once it was dry we took a few dry swipes of chalk paint here and there.
Then some great French Ephemera from the Graphics Fairy.
Wrap around the egg a few times with some hemp twine and tie it off.
Jan had some beautiful antique heart charms that she sacrificed for this project.
Just tie those onto the knot of the twine.
Last of all, we used a little more Mod Podge to dab a little moss here and there.
And, it's done!  
Ready for Easter!

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  1. You are a woman after my own heart. The French Easter egg will become a treasured work of art twelve months of the year.
    PS I love your kitchen.

  2. Nan those are soooo adorable! I knew there would be something great at the end when I started reading your post and boy was I right! I've made the newsprint eggs before but they are over the top with the graphics fairy images, the moss and the twine!
    Love them!!!!

  3. Hey. Today I discovered your blog. How exciting it was to read your posts.
    There is a lot I would like to try to make. I use google translator so it is not certain it is completely placed correctly translated. These different papers you use ... what is it? Is there anything you buy in hobby shops or is it something everyone has in their kitchen? :) Wish you a wonderful day. Found you through The Graphics Fairy.
    Squeeze Merethe

  4. So beautiful Easter eggs you make!!! :)

  5. Good Job on your Easter Egg! And I just grabbed your button.

  6. Oh my gosh, these are wonderful! Just discovered you today via the Graphics Fairy and am looking forward to having more time to peruse. I also just recently dove into mom's family history... they homesteaded in Waterford in the 1800's before coming to Canada in the early 1900's. Must be where the good creative genes are nurtured! Thanks much for the inspiration. :)


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