
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


With our warm March weather, everything is starting to bud and bloom a few months earlier than usual.    Add that to the fact that I haven't been home during the day, watching all the seasons arrive, for many years.  I have time now to walk around our yard and gardens and really watch what happens.  Today I was looking at some of the buds thinking, "This reminds me of the preteen girls I used to teach!"  I'll explain.

There is so much beauty before the bloom!  We're always waiting for the flowers, shrubs, and crab apple trees to be in full bloom.  But there is so much beauty before that happens, if we take the time to look and appreciate!  

A sixth grade classroom in the spring is full of "buds", all in a hurry to get to the blooming stage of their life.  Oh, to be 12 years old again and able to appreciate the raw beauty before we bloom!  There is beauty in every season, but spring is the one that is young and fresh and full of expectation!

So, today's post is just some photos of a few tiny bouquets I picked today.  I hope you can take time to see and appreciate the beauty before the bloom!  

 And the last one is absolutely . . .

"Springtime is the land awakening.  The March winds are the morning yawn."
-Lewis Grizzard

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Faded Charm Cottage

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love all that spring has to offer?I love those sweet flowers.I can't wait to get out in my garden.


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